Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Save America: Restore Segregation!
Race matters whether folks want to acknowledge it or remain in denial, until it’s too late.
God bless us all to live within the designated borders of diverse nations our Great Creator has decreed for us, all revolving around the Twelve Tribes of Israel whom God alone has called to ultimately become His Servant Nation, a light to all nations, a truly United Kingdom, One Nation Under God.
Deuteronomy 32:88
When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, When He separated the sons of Adam [even though we're all family],He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the children of Israel.
Acts 17:2626 And [although] He [God] has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth [we're all human]… [yet He] has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings…
FATHER GOD KNOWS BEST, don’t you agree?
Comment by David BenAriel — September 26, 2008 @ 10:23 am
Al Sharpton is a race hustler like Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright, like Barack Obama, are hypocrites who claim to be Afro-centric but fail to return to Africa where they belong, extorting an imposed “white guilt” while complaining about how bad they have it here.
They are representative of the curse these white Israelite “Lands of the Covenant” (Artzot Habrit - Menashe ben Yosef) suffer from due to our idolatry and immorality (Daniel 9:11).
When “We The People” (Am Yisrael) get back in our place with God, they’ll be put back into their place, just like the Arabs in Israel, the blacks in Southern Africa, etc.
Comment by David BenAriel — September 26, 2008 @ 10:32 am
“What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races.”
— Spoken at Springfield, Illinois on July 17th, 1858; from ABRAHAM LINCOLN: COMPLETE WORKS, 1894, Vol. 1, page 273
“See our present condition—the country engaged in war! Our White men cutting one another’s throats! And then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or another. “Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated.”
— Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862, from COLLECTED WORKS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Vol 5, page 371
Segregation is best for everybody
Comment by David BenAriel — September 26, 2008 @ 10:37 am
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Holocaust and Jewish Hypocrisy
Meir Kahane noted the hypocrisy of Jews who cry about how the Gentiles didn’t do more to stop the Holocaust when the American Jewish establishment failed to lift a finger to help their brethren, and how European Jewish leaders even collaborated with the Nazis!
Never again? Shimon Peres, that bloody vulture who came to power over Rabin’s dead body, sells out Jerusalem and betrays Israel for his German-Jesuit masters. The Jews are their own worst enemy.
Comment by David BenAriel — September 24, 2008 @ 8:22 am
The Dutch are the tribe of Zebulon.
Comment by David BenAriel — September 24, 2008 @ 8:31 am
I made a point of visiting the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam years ago, as I traveled throughout Europe en route to Israel.
The Nazis are about as Christian as Communists, Socialists and the erev ra are Jewish.
There is nothing new under the sun, as far as the Twelve Tribes of Israel haven't always acted like family, especially when you consider the biblical account of the "holocaust" against Benjamin and how the first time the word Jews is used in the Bible it is when the Northern Kingdom of Israel, allied with Syria, fought against the Jews! (Further proof that Joes and Jews are not one and the same, regardless of those who would remain in denial of the biblical distinction between Jews and Israelites).
Monday, September 22, 2008
Economic Collapse and War
Our Banks Are Going To Collapse
Re: Judgment Day on Wall StreetHow many investment bankers are yet as scared for their own personal safety as the typical convenience-store clerk? When the average investment banker is wearing Kevlar instead of Brioni suits, then it really will be "Judgment Day On Wall Street."
Before it's all over, everybody is going to be affected by our economic collapse and even those in their ivory towers will come crashing down, as Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall warns:
OUR BANKS ARE GOING TO COLLAPSE, AND OUR ARMY WON’T BE ABLE TO MUSTER ANY STRENGTH! This national demoralization (we’ve only just begun to experience) will result in DEMOBILIZATION! We’re going down (Ezek. 7:14) in FLAMING DEFEAT!
The prophet Isaiah had two sons with symbolic names (Isa. 7:3, 8:1, 18). They’re to warn us of two major events about to take place: 1) OUR DESTRUCTION’S IMMINENT: THE BLITZKRIEG’S ABOUT TO BEGIN! (Maher-shalal-hash-baz). And 2) OUR HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS WILL RETURN HOME (Shear- yashuv)...
O Israelites! Who could beat Great Britain in battle, or whip the U.S. in war, when God shed His grace on thee? Europe could NEVER knock us down and kick us around—until now! Because GOD’S REFINING OUR GOLD IN THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION, AND PURIFYING OUR SILVER THROUGH GREAT TRIBULATION (Isa. 48:10).
David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-09-22 09:29:49 ET Reply Trace
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Joes and Jews
Biblical distinction between Jews and Israelites
Re: Patriotism and exceptionalismreaders who are unfamiliar with that ridiculous distinction that normal humans (who would consider a Joe also a Jew) don’t make, only nutcases like you do
Ridiculous distinction? What chutzpah and blasphemy! You slander all those holy men and prophets inspired to make such distinctions. It is historically and biblically important to make this distinction between Jews and Israelites and to be careful not to blur their identities (Ezek. 44:23). After all, God has devoted four books of the Bible to do just that!
However, it is easy to perceive why those captive souls steeped in the Babylonian Mystery religion of TRADITIONAL Christianity (who follow Roman wolves in sheep’s clothing with their accursed replacement theology of Sunday, pagan holidays pretending to be Christian and many other unclean doctrines and idolatrous ideas of their Gentilized Christianity) want to remain willfully ignorant of our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and keep others in the dark about it, blind to Joseph’s identity, because they’re proud and stubborn and unwilling to repent of their Gentile religious lies and tinsel traditions to return to the Faith once delivered and be restored and reconciled with our Father God, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the Promised Land of Israel.
Comment by David BenAriel — September 21, 2008 @ 8:22 pm
Shocked by the Bible
WND failed to read Beyond Babylon
Beyond Babylon fulfills the need to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God while emphasizing a warning to the world; it includes the truth about our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities; about God's Sabbath and Holy Days versus Satan's Sunday and pagan holidays; about Israel's demise and Europe's rise -- these are foundational truths.
Beyond Babylon builds upon that sure foundation by pointing out that it's the sorcerer-pope, the false prophet, who presents Europe's imminent leader as the Savior of "Christian Western Civilization;" he'll perform miracles in his presence urging Europe to remodel themselves after the "Holy Roman Empire" (Rev. 13:14). Together they'll create a counterfeit Kingdom of God.
Beyond Babylon also explains -- FOR THE FIRST TIME -- why there are two witnesses, what their mission and purpose is, why they're stationed in Jerusalem and how they fulfill the Elijah role.
Rashi and John Bull
Rashi and John Bull
Here we have two symbols applied to Ephraim and Manasseh and since each Israelite Tribe had its own symbol we may assume that each of the two symbols belonged to one of the two tribes. In the verse above the word translated as BULLOCK (young bull or bull calf) is "SHOR" which actually means "bull" (but not necessarily "young bull") though elsewhere Ephraim is nicknamed a "young bull":
Here Ephraim is called a "young bull". The word used for "young bull" (i.e. "bullock") in Hebrew is "AEGEL". In Ancient Hebrew the word "Aegel" could also actually have been pronounced as "angle". Historically this very name "Aegel" was a diminutive (favorite nickname) for the ethnic term "Angle". Together with the Saxons, Jutes, Vandals, and others the Angles conquered from the Celts the land that was later named England.
The Angles gave England (i.e. “Angle-land”) its name. The Angles were also called “Aegels”. The appellations “Angle” and “Aegel” were employed interchangeably. The Hebrew word for young bull is "Aegel". Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yistchaki 1040-1105 CE) was the foremost Medieval Jewish Commentator. In commentating on this verse (Jeremiah 31;18) Rashi states that the Hebrew word “Aegel” (Young Bull) was a name applied to Ephraim.This accords with the simple meaning of the verse. This was another name applied to the English. The English now nickname themselves "John Bull". This is an important point: the verse is strongly indicating that the English (Angles) are to be identified with Ephraim. We therefore have grounds to ascribe the bull symbol to England which leaves the unicorn sign for Manasseh. In addition it is hinted that the section of Israel represented by the horns of unicorns in the last days would be the most powerful.
The Midrash (Numbers Rabah 2;7) says that the unicorn is the symbol of Manasseh and the bull that of Ephraim. It is true that the unicorn is now part of the symbolic coat of arms of the UK but they derived it from Scotland which has two unicorns on its standard. The USA is dominated by Manasseh. The above verse is hinting that Menasseh (symbolized by the unicorn) would end up being the most powerful tribe.
Getting back to the Midrash:
The Midrash (Numbers Rabah 2;7) says that the unicorn is the symbol of Manasseh and the bull that of Ephraim. The Midrash accords with a logical understanding of Scripture. A Midrash is a Rabbinical explanation from the Talmudic era explaining Biblical verses that was accepted at the time as worth recording for future study. Just because the Midrash says something I do not expect you to. I do not accept all Midrashim. Sometimes they are difficult to understand and at times they may appear to contradict each other. Nevertheless they often contain insights to Biblical passages ands/or recall genuine traditions. The Talmud sources, Midrashim, and related sources often correspond with Brit-Am findings and to my mind this shows that we are on the right track. This especially helps where we have an interpretation of Scripture that other people (including some religious Jews) might not agree with.
Excerpt from Yair Davidiy's "Brit-Am Now" -476
British Israelites and Jewish colonists
Joes and Jews are colonists by divine design!
Re:Patriotism and exceptionalismComment by David BenAriel — September 21, 2008 @ 10:14 am
Friday, September 19, 2008
Manifest Destiny Inspires Patriotism!
Re:Patriotism and exceptionalismAmerican or Israeli patriotism that is of substance is a patriotism based upon a strong biblical foundation, one that firmly believes in Manifest Destiny - whether Manifest Destiny for these “Lands of the Covenant” (Artzot Habrit) promised to B’nai Menashe (Joseph isn’t Jewish!) or Manifest Destiny for the Jewish homeland of Israel (presently held in trust by Judah for all Twelve Tribes of Israel).
Manifest Destiny! Such a spiritual drive and religious motivation works wonders! Without it, our Israelite family of nations are bankrupt and without meaning and purpose, wandering in bewilderment, an easy prey for the German-Assyrian eagle that rises again.
Comment by David BenAriel — September 19, 2008 @ 7:26 pm
No More Blondes?
A World Without Blondes?
Re: Waves of Memories of Sdot YamIf you knew the Bible, you would understand how our Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Semitic ancestors were fair skinned (like Laban - lavan means white), some undoubtedly blond, and how Sarah was so fair skinned it attracted undue attention, and how David was rosy-cheeked (not something you say about darker skinned peoples), etc. However, our great family of White Israelites and Jews enjoy hair of every shade and different eye colors.
Joseph, the son of Israel, was described in a Midrash (Genesis Rabah 86;3), as looking like a GERMANI (i.e. like someone from the North, very white, fair, according to Maimonides) and in another passage (Talmud Sota 36) as having a face that was "pink like a rose". It follows that Joseph was considered as having been of Nordic appearance which was a known familial trait since Joseph is also said to have looked exactly like his father. [On the other hand it is implied that Joseph was exceptional in this regard]. Joseph (Ephraim and Menasseh) was the leading tribal group in the Northern Kingdom. - THE PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE HEBREW PEOPLES |
Those who love how beautiful the German Heidi Klum is as a blonde should understand that her sinful interracial marriage (Oprah loves to pimp) commits genocide against her white racial line, as smooth singer Seal commits genocide against his black racial line. No more pure blacks or blondes in their adulterated family line that dishonors their heritage.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Openly Zionist
Christian Zionist Orde Wingate
Re: George W. Bush’s True LegacyThat you are openly Zionist (Your writings and blog) Leaves me with some intuitive doubts. When a non Jew is holier than Herzl the question comes up Why? It isn’t love for the Jews ( if yes what type of Jew are you referring to?) and except for some geographical sites you probably don’t care much about the Land, O yes the Bible told you so, Right?
I’m sure Christian Zionist Orde Wingate heard such snide comments too, as he lived in Eretz Yisrael (promised to all Twelve Tribes of Israel) and did all he could to help the Jews and didn’t permit the prejudice of some to hinder his God-given purpose.
Christian Zionist Orde Wingate respected Jews but recognized Joseph isn’t Jewish and that family fact, that historical/biblical detail, didn’t disturb those Jews around him with “intuitive doubts,” any more than those Jews on the 8 kibbutzim I’ve lived on (see From Toledo to Jerusalem) or my Torah-observant friends throughout Israel had any problem with my understanding of the Hebrew roots and Israelite origins of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples, and the Israeli leaders didn’t lose sleep over the fact that Herbert W. Armstrong believed the same with whom they met time and again, including former Mayor Teddy Kollek even presenting him (at a banquet in his honor in Jerusalem) with an Israeli sculpture of David (since Kollek knew Armstrong considered himself a scion of David through the British Royal Family).
Comment by David BenAriel — September 17, 2008 @ 12:27 pm
Monday, September 15, 2008
Re: Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam
John Mervin: Risingsun, Ohio Pioneer
German-American Israelites?
Is that why you think that YHWH is Odin? |
No wonder the bloody Vatican has always declared war on the Jews and the Sabbath-keeping Church of God for exposing their demonic replacement theology that would substitute baptized paganism for the biblical Sabbath and festivals Yeshua, the Prophets, the Apostles, the early Church of God with its converted Jews, Israelites and Gentiles faithfully kept, and soon the whole world will learn to observe also when Rome and its mass deception of a Gentilized Jesus, a counterfeit Christianity, another gospel, a different spirit, are history.
Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent
Come Lord Yeshua!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
When are the Two Witnesses resurrected?
It's time to understand what the Bible teaches on this subject. Many have carelessly assumed that their resurrection -- to occur three and one half days after their death takes place at the same time as Christ's coming. THAT IS WRONG! Such a teaching contradicts the clear scripture: "But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" (Mark 13:32; Acts 1:7). All we would have to do is count three and one half days after they've been martyred and we would know the day and practically the hour! Besides the Scripture plainly states immediately following their resurrection: "The second woe is past and the third woe comes quickly" (Revelation 11:14). The third woe is simultaneous with Jesus' coming and the pouring out of the 7 last plagues in His presence.
The two witnesses will be restored to human life after three and one half days, corresponding to their three and one half years of ministry, as a SIGN that Israel - who'll be as good as dead - will also be resurrected! There is life after Babylon! Then "air transportation" will be provided for them just like it was for Enoch and Elijah - who flew the friendly skies of the first heaven. The two witnesses will be transferred to another location on earth, undoubtedly united with the brethren in "her place", to await the imminent return of Christ!
In the good, old tradition of revolutionaries, Obama hides in plain print. So, before listening to his speech, it's worth while to note the following passages from his autobiography:
On p. 94-95 he describes an effective tactic to deal with White people:
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied; they were relieved - such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.
Is Halloween Harmless?
Is Halloween Harmless?
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Re: It's A Sin To Vote For Obama!
What is British Israelism and is it Biblical?
You Pirates are always stealing, and worse. |
Christian identity![]() |
"Christian Identity" and such give a bad name to British-Israelites and Christianity, as liberal Jews do to Judaism and Catholics and Protestants do to Christianity.
David Ben-Ariel Faces the Aryan Nations
Aryan Nations to be Deported by Germany!
Friday, September 05, 2008
New on Jew, Jews, Jewish
- The Issue of the Temple Mount
- Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount
- A House of Prayer for All Peoples?
- Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem
- Europe to Take Out Iran For Jerusalem
- Conflict in Jerusalem
- The Secret Nazis Covet the Temple Mount
- Mount Zion Coveted by Rome
- A Jewish Homeland
- Avishai Raviv, Eyal, and Yitzhak Rabin
- Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!
- Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel
- Thoughts on Meir Kahane...
- New Homestead Act For Greater Israel
- Jerusalem speaks to Hinton's heart
- Historic Fraud: Indian Bnei Menashe
- Obamania
- Does The Bible Teach There Were Human Prototypes?
- Blind to Joseph's Identity!
- South Africa Ruled By Barbarians, American Next?
- Saudi Arabians Back Obama
- Where Are the Lost Ten Tribes?
- Temple Mount Faithful
- Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC)
- Vatican linked to the assassination of Yitzhak Rab...
- Shimon Peres
- Mount Zion
- The Vatican and its Friends are Not Your Friends
- Betrayal
- Megillat Bush
- Miriam Weiss of Ramat Yohanan
- iVolunteer Holocaust Survivor Visitation Program
- Woe to Ariel!
iVolunteer Holocaust Survivor Visitation Program
In addition to providing assistance with shopping and personal organization, the volunteers read to survivors, accompany them on walks, and escort them to doctor visits. iVolunteer creates a sense of community by providing both our survivors and volunteers with social events and special programs. These programs include monthly Friday night dinners for our volunteers and luncheons for our survivors.
iVolunteer Holocaust Survivor Visitation Program
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Obama's Race and Religion
It remains to be seen how much of a wedge issue Barack Obama’s disturbing association with Jeremiah Wright will be in the upcoming general election. But if it does factor into the outcome, it is he—not his political opponents—who made it a wedge issue...
While at Columbia, Barack decided he wanted to be a community organizer—a profession that would allow him to make use of his college experience as a black activist. After a lengthy job search which turned up no leads, he finally got a call from a white Chicagoan who had recently started an organizing drive.
During the interview a week later, after asking Barack why he wanted to be an organizer, the man said, “You must be angry about something.”
“What do you mean by that?” Barack asked.
“Don’t get me wrong,” the man later explained. “Anger’s a requirement for the job"...
Click here to continue
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Fort Meigs, Perrysburg, Ohio
Where Are the Lost Ten Tribes?
by IsraelNN Staff
( Historians and Biblical scholars say that King Solomon had a sophisticated navy which voyaged the world in exploration, looking for iron, gold and other materials to build the Holy Temple.
Many shipping ports, settlements and colonies were established in places all over the Mediterranean and North African region, as well as Europe and the Americas. Did some of the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom escape on ships to distant lands to escape the Assyrian onslaught and subsequent exile?
In an interview with Israel National Radio's Tamar Yonah, Historian Steve Collins talks about where some of these tribes may have migrated to, including the New World, long before Columbus discovered America.
For more radio visit
Israel in the Isles
"LISTEN, O isles, unto me: and hearken, ye people from afar" (Isa. 49:1);
and then makes the declaration:
"Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified." (v. 3)
The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites
Is God a racist? Does He discriminate? Did Jesus hate Gentiles? Was Paul prejudiced? Are Israelites and Jews superior to other peoples? Is God's favorite color white?
The Plain Truth about the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
In order to warn Israel about the many prophecies that preview our coming captivity (due to our idolatry and immorality), it was first necessary for God to restore our identity. God has now restored our identity, He's again warning our nations, and it's up to us what will happen next.
German-American Israelites?
"Born German, Made American" by Nicholas Kumanoff in The Atlantic Times, reveals how "to prove their patriotism, immigrants abandoned their old identities."
Joseph isn't Jewish!
My sojourn at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan, where I served as a kibbutz volunteer for five months in 1982-1983, blessed me with memories to cherish a lifetime.
Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives
According to the rabbis, the "Lost Ten Tribes" are for all intents and purposes "Gentiles." This information constitutes further proof that the "Lost Ten Tribes" are not those diverse claimants (African, Indians, Burmese) who maintain remnants of Judaism from somebody's former conversion or contact with the religion of Judaism.
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
Some, in clear contradiction of the Holy Bible, pretend that all Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish. Such woefully ignorant or deceptive people deny the biblical distinctions between the 12 Tribes and pretend there's only one tribe: Judah.
Practice what you preach. Both the Bible and history testify to the plain truth of Manifest Destiny.
Was it? Who needed any justification if we truly wanted to commit genocide against those who were occupying the land before the rightful heirs arrived. Did the Americans annihilate the Beringian immigrants (so-called “Native Americans”)? No! We easily could have but we didn’t, so enough of your murderous lies against Joes (Joseph, specifically his son Menashe).
Both the Bible and history testify against your self-righteous rejection of Manifest Destiny, your blindness to Joseph’s identity. Whether or not you choose to remain in denial, both Joes and Jews are colonists, colonizing the lands God has given us, pioneers, settlers (and that’s a GOOD thing contrary to the politically correct cultists who would call good evil and evil good), especially Joseph “to the ends of the Earth.”
The Bible foretold Joseph would branch out with God’s blessing, to colonize and spread out to the far reaches of the Earth as our Great Creator ordained, and the Joes certainly have fulfilled these prophecies!
Deuteronomy 32:8
8 When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations,
When He separated the sons of Adam [even though we're all family],
He set the boundaries of the peoples
According to the number of the children of Israel [ethnocentric Bible with its focus on the family of Jacob: everything centers around Israel, nationally, internationally].
“Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well [water], whose branches run over the wall,” (Gen. 49:22).
“His glory is like the firstling [firstborn] of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of an unicorn [the unicorn is in the national seal of England] with them he [Joseph] shall push the people together to the ends of the earth; and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh,” (Deut. 33:13-17).
The Word of God proves Joes were to push out other peoples to make way for our Israelite inheritance, even as the Jews have pushed out some Arabs (but clearly not enough) to secure the Jewish homeland. Why resist the Word and Will of God and cry for pagan Gentiles rather than praise God for blessing Joseph and Judah?